25 Ağustos 2014 Pazartesi

METAMORPH-TRICK solo exhibition from Istanbul to Amsterdam

31.VIII    9.IX   2014   Amsterdam  Arps&Co   window   gallery   Arubastraat 1

An artist from Istanbul; ESRA KİZİR GÖKÇEN. Inspired by the multy layered geographic and historical accumulation of Anatolia, which she was born and living. Esra, is using the sighns and connotations coming from the essence of her homeland’s richness of diversity and multy layered existance. The artist is focusing today’s cultural and social formation, holding the same multy layered spirit, the dynamism and rebound to future with an increasing energy.

Esra Kizir Gökçen “METAMORPH-TRICK” solo exhibition is between 31 August – 9 September 2014 in Amsterdam, Artps&Co Window Gallery...
Everything differs from the moment of realization among the layers of life. Whatever has been left from the past isn’t as it was now.  Conditions of time and space morphs everything. The illusions created by these movements manupulates the perceptions. And these tricks are what Esra Kizir Gökçen is trying to explain in “metamorph-trick” as herself being tricked by her own perception.
Layers of time in movement is continously morphing both past and the future and preempting our perceptions, foresights, feelings. Marks of the past and the thoughts about them, foresights of future and dreams... They all form different layers, all are the tricks, telescoped, folded, morphed beyond generally accepted memories’ colors and lines: While considering is done, it’s just starting, changes the memorizations from top to bottom. Creating new knowledge and perceptions and what’s coming next is invalidating the previous. Happenings and objects are falling into pieces and when coming together again, merging differently in disparate combinations. Metamorphed objects come into view, sometimes in an empty space, sometimes on a morphed ground, sometimes in a fantasy space and time zone. What a game this is, endlessly continuing while differing all the rules!
The earth might be under water like Atlantis, or a piece of land flying in the sky up to the emptiness of space in this fantasy. Even the figures are similar to earthly beings, mostly they are like creatures splitted and merged again inaccurately. Also the spatial elements are splitted and combined to create another world. The artist’s connotations are emphasising the metamorphosis and impossibility of reoccuration on the splited personalities and livings as they were before. As they remind us the proposition; “you cannot step twice into the same stream”. Pointing that all the moments are new and the human perception is so confused about this tricks of time circle. Taking attention to the world we live in and our responsibility to the nature through the clouds, trees, roots and all the likely details symbolizing nature, for this very reason. The cloud and the tree is telling us about the circle of water ergo life and the continuity in past to the future. We can see the influence of Turkish classical painting, calligraphy and miniature in the curved lines and symbols in Esra’s drawings. Her technics in her compositions and concepts are containing the choices that emphasise each other. Metamorphic compositions are coming to front as tricks speculating these narrated past and futuristic approach together in the present moment.

Open 24/7 Appointments are welcome every day  06 2236 3133

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